Sobota, 29. března 2025, svátek má Taťána

Hollywood - Madonna

MMadonna - American Life - Hollywood

  |   Přidáno 17.9.2011 uživatelem nixname
Ohodnoť toto video:

Everybody comes to Hollywood
They wanna make it in the neighborhood
They like the smell of it in Hollywood
How could it hurt you when it looks so good

Shine your light now
This time it's gotta be good
You get it right now (yeah)
'Cause you're in Hollywood

There's something in the air in Hollywood
The sun is shining like you knew it would
You're ridin' in your car in Hollywood
You got the top down and it feels so good

I lost my memory in Hollywood
I've had a million visions, bad and good
There's something in the air in Hollywood
I tried to leave it but I never could

Shine your light now
This time it's gotta be good
You get it right now (yeah)
'Cause you're in Hollywood

There's something in the air in Hollywood
I've lost my reputation, bad and good
You're ridin' in your car in Hollywood
You got the top down and it feels so good

Music stations always play the same songs
I'm bored with the concept of right and wrong

Everybody comes to Hollywood
They wanna make it in the neighborhood
They like the smell of it in Hollywood
How could it hurt you when it looks so good

Shine your light now
This time it's gotta be good
You get it right now (yeah)
'Cause you're in Hollywood

'Cause you're in Hollywood
'Cause you're in Hollywood
In Hollywood [repeat three times]

Check it out, this bird has flown

Shine your light now
This time it's gotta be good
You get it right now (yeah)
'Cause you're in Hollywood

'Cause you're in Hollywood
'Cause you're in Hollywood
In Hollywood [repeat three times]

Push the button
Don't push the button
Trip the station
Change the channel

Hollywood = Hollywood

Everybody comes to Hollywood = Všetci prichádzajú do Hollywoodu
They wanna make it = Chcú to urobiť
in the neighborhood = v susedstve
They like the smell of = Majú radi jeho vôňu
it in Hollywood = v Hollywoode
How could it hurt you = Ako ťa to môže zraniť
when it looks so good = keď to vyzerá tak dobre

{Chorus:} = {Refrén:}

Shine your light now = Teraz zapni svoje svetlo
This time it's gotta be good = Teraz to bude dobré
You get it right now = Dostal si to práve teraz
'Cause you're in Hollywood = Lebo si v Hollywoode

There's something in = Niečo je vo
the air in Hollywood = vzduchu Hollywoodu
The sun is shining = Slnko svieti
like you knew it would = ako vieš, že by malo
You're ridin' in = Jazdíš vo
your car in Hollywood = svojom aute v Hollywoode
You got the top down = Dosiahol si vrchol dna
and it feels so good = a cíti sa to tak dobre

I lost my memory in Hollywood = Stratila som pamäť v Hollywoode
I've had a million visions, = Mala som milión vízií,
bad and good = zlých a dobrých
There's something = Niečo je
in the air in Hollywood = vo vzduchu Hollywoodu
I tried to leave it = Skúšala som to opustiť
but I never could ale nikdy som nemohla

{chorus} = {refrén}

There's something in = Niečo je vo
the air in Hollywood = vzduchu v Hollywoode
I've lost my reputation, = Stratila som svoju povesť,
bad and good = zlú a dobrú
You're ridin' in = Jazdíš vo
your car in Hollywood = svojom aute v Hollywoode
You got the top down = Dosiahla si vrchol dna
and it feels so good = a cíti sa to tak dobre

Music stations always = Hudobné stanice vždy
play the same songs = hrajú rovnaké piesne
I'm bored with the concept = Nudí ma chápanie
of right and wrong = správneho a zlého

Everybody comes to Hollywood = Všetci prichádzajú do Hollywoodu
They wanna make it = Chcú to urobiť
in the neighborhood = v susedstve
They like the smell of = Majú radi jeho vôňu
it in Hollywood = v Hollywoode
How could it hurt you = Ako ťa to môže zraniť
when it looks so good = keď to vyzerá tak dobre

{chorus} = {refrén}

'Cause you're in Hollywood = Lebo si v Hollywoode
'Cause you're in Hollywood = Lebo si v Hollywoode
In Hollywood {repeat three times} = V Hollywoode {3x}

Check it out, this bird has flown = Prever to, tento vták lietal

{chorus} = {refrén}

'Cause you're in Hollywood = Lebo si v Hollywoode
'Cause you're in Hollywood = Lebo si v Hollywoode
In Hollywood {repeat three times} = V Hollywoode {3x}

Push the button = Stlač gombík
Don't push the button = Nestlač gombík
Trip the station = Prelaď stanicu
Change the channel = Prepni kanál
{repeat twice} = {2x}

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