Sobota, 29. března 2025, svátek má Taťána

Human Nature - Madonna

MMadonna - Bedtime Stories - Human Nature

Ohodnoť toto video:

Express yourself, don't repress yourself [repeat 4 times]


And I'm not sorry (I'm not sorry)
It's human nature (it's human nature)
And I'm not sorry (I'm not sorry)
I'm not your bitch don't hang your shit on me (it's human nature)

You wouldn't let me say the words I longed to say
You didn't want to see life through my eyes
(Express yourself, don't repress yourself)
You tried to shove me back inside your narrow room
And silence me with bitterness and lies
(Express yourself, don't repress yourself)

Did I say something wrong?
Oops, I didn't know I couldn't talk about sex
(I musta been crazy)
Did I stay too long?
Oops, I didn't know I couldn't speak my mind
(What was I thinking)


You punished me for telling you my fantasies
I'm breakin' all the rules I didn't make
(Express yourself, don't repress yourself)
You took my words and made a trap for silly fools
You held me down and tried to make me break
(Express yourself, don't repress yourself)


Did I say something true?
Oops, I didn't know I couldn't talk about sex
(I musta been crazy)
Did I have a point of view?
Oops, I didn't know I couldn't talk about you
(What was I thinking)


Express yourself, don't repress yourself [repeat twice]
Express yourself, don't repress yourself [repeat twice]


[chorus, with the following spoken substitutions]
(I'm not apologizing)
(Would it sound better if I were a man?)
(You're the one with the problem)
(Why don't you just deal with it)

[chorus, with the following spoken substitutions]
(Would you like me better if I was?)
(We all feel the same way)
(I have no regrets)
(Just look in the mirror)

[chorus, with the following spoken substitutions]
(I don't have to justify anything)
(I'm just like you)
(Why should I be?)
(Deal with it)

Lidská přirozenost

Vyjadri sa, nepotláčaj sa 5x

A nie je mi ľúto (nie je mi ľúto)
Je to ľudská prirodzenosť (je to ľudská prirodzenosť) 2x

Nenechal by si ma povedať slová, ktoré som túžila povedať
Nechcel si vidieť môj život mojimi očami
Skúšal si mi ukázať chrbát vo vnútri tvojej úzkej izby
A umlčať ma s trpkosťou a lžami
(vyjadri sa, nepotláčaj sa)

Povedala som niečo zlé?
Oops, nevedela som, že nemám rozprávať o sexe
(Musela som byť šialená)
Vravela som pridlho?
Oops, nevedela som, že nesmiem povedať, čo si myslím
(čo som si len myslela)


Potrestal si ma za to, že som ti vyzradila svoje fantázie
Porušujem všetky pravidlá, ktoré som nevytvorila
Veril si mojim slovám a stvoril pascu na hlúpych bláznov
Robil si zo mňa šaša a skúšal ma zlomiť

Snáď som povedala niečo pravdivé?
Oops, nevedela som, že nemám rozprávať o sexe
(Musela som byť šialená)
Mala som uhol pohľadu?
Oops, nevedela som, že nemôžem hovoriť o tebe
(čo som si len myslela)


(Vyjadri sa, nepotláčaj sa) 6x

(Refrén s nasledujúcou prerozprávanou náhradou:
Chcel si ma lepšou ako som bola?
Cítime to rovnako

(Refrén s nasledujúcou prerozprávanou náhradou:
Nemám sa začo ospravedlniť
Som presne ako ty
Prečo by som mala?

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