Last night
I made a crazy deal
I wished for
an angel comes to me
But she can stay just for a day
and then she'll go away
I wished that
in my life she'd always stay
My angel for a day
I'm begging her to stay
She walks on wild flowers
with a smile on her face
my Valentine all day
she's more than i can take
she says we are just perfect
but only ...for today
she kissed me
and she loves me all the way
she cares for
the prayers I've always made
And she can stay just for a day
and then she went by
I wished that
she always would be mine
She cares for
the prayers I've always made
My angel for a day
I'm begging her to stay
She walks on wild flowers
with a smile on her face
my Valentine all day
she's more than i can take
she says we are just perfect
but only
My angel for a day
I'm begging her to stay
She walks on wild flowers
with a smile on her face
my Valentine all day
she's more than i can take
she says we are just perfect
but only ... for today
Včera v noci
Som urobil bláznivú dohodu
Želal som si
Aby ku mne prišiel anjel
Ale môže zostať len jeden deň
A potom pôjde preč
Želám si však
Aby navždy zostala v mojom živote
Môj anjel na jeden deň
Prosím ju na kolenách, aby zostala
Kráča po divých kvetoch
S úsmevom na tvári
Moje srdiečko po celý deň
Je viac, než dokážem zniesť
Hovorí, že sme dokonalý pár
Ale len na dnes
Pobozkala ma
A popritom ma stále ľúbi
Stará sa o
Modlitby ktoré vždy odriekavam
A môže zostať len jeden deň
A potom pôjde preč
Želám si
Aby navždy bola mojou
Stará sa o
Modlitby ktoré vždy odriekavam
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