I am the god of fuck, I am the god of fuck
virgins sold in quantity, herded by heredity
who said date rape isn't kind
porno nation, evaluation
what's this, time for segregation
libido, libido fascination, too much oral defecation
white trash get down on your knees
time for cake and sodomy
white trash get down on your knees
time for cake and sodomy
time for cake and sodomy
time for cake and sodomy
I am the god of fuck, I am the god of fuck
vcr's and vaseline, tv-fucked by plastic queens
cash in hand and dick on screen
who said god was ever clean
bible belt 'round anglo waist, putting sinners in their place
yeah, right, great if you're so good explain the shit stains on your face
time for cake and sodomy
time for cake and sodomy
Som boh jebacky
Panenstvo predavane nakila
Dedicnost ti miesto v dave urcite najde
Cervenokrky, vypaleny uprostred
zapadneho sveta
Kto povedal, ze znasilnovanie
nie je prijemne?
Je to jasne - sme porno narod
Co myslite tym - nadysiel cas segregacie?
Fascinacia pohlavnym pudom, prilis vela
oralnej defekacie
Biele svinstvo steka na tvoje kolena
Prisiel cas kolacov a sodomie
Prisiel cas kolacov a sodomie
(Som boh jebacky)
Vazelina a suloz s televiznymi
plastickymi kralovnami
Peniaze v ruke a kokot nalepeny na
Kto povedal, ze boh je neposkvrneny?
Angloodpad sputany bibliou
Hladas hriesnikom ich miesto
Ano v poriadku, ale ak si taky dobry,
pokus sa vysvetlit to hovno
na svojom vlastnom ksichte."
Biele svinstvo steka na tvoje kolena
Prisiel cas kolacov a sodomie
Prisiel cas kolacov a sodomie