I call you up whenever things go wrong
You're always there you are my shoulder to cry on
I can't believe it took me quite so long
To take the forbidden step
Is this something that I might regret
Come on come on
Nothing ventured nothing gained
You are the one
The lonely heart that can't be tamed
Come on come on
I'm hoping that you feel the same
This is something that I can't forget
I thought that we would just be friends
Things will never be the same again
It's just the beginning it's not the end
Things will never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore
Now we've opened up the door
Starting tonight and from now on
We'll never, never be the same again
I call you up whenever things go wrong
You're always there you are my shoulder to cry on
I can't believe it took me quite so long
To take the forbidden step
Is this something that I might regret
Come on come on
Nothing ventured nothing gained
You are the one
The lonely heart that can't be tamed
Come on come on
I'm hoping that you feel the same
This is something that I can't forget
I thought that we would just be friends
Things will never be the same again
It's just the beginning it's not the end
Things will never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore
Now we've opened up the door
Starting tonight and from now on
We'll never, never be the same again
Never be the same again
Now I know that we were close before
I'm glad I realized I need you so much more
And that I don't care what everyone will say
It's about you and me and we'll never be the same again
I thought that we would just be friends
Things will never be the same again
It's just the beginning it's not the end
Things will never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore
Now we've opened up the door
Starting to knight him from the one
We'll never, never be the same again
Never be the same again
--> This is the part when Left Eye starts to sing.
--> Now the bass goes on but the guitar stops.
Uh check it
Night and day
Like beach sand to red clay
The US to UK
From sidewalks to highways
See it'll never be the same
What I'm sayin'
My mindframe never changed
'Til you came and rearranged
But sometimes it seems
Completely forbidden
To discover those feelings
That we kept so well hidden
When there's no competition
And you render my condition though improbable
It's not impossible
For a love that can be unstoppable to work
Are fine lines between fate and destiny
Do you believe in the things that were just meant to be
When you tell me the stories of your quest for me
Picturesque is the picture you paint effortlessly
--> Here begins again the guitar fingerpicking Dm B F C
And as our energies mix and begin to multiply
Everyday situations they start to simplify
So things will never be the same between you and I
We intertwine our life wishes and now we unify
--> Melanie starts to sing the chorus again
I thought that we would just be friends
Things will never be the same again
It's just the beginning it's not the end
Things will never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore
Now we've opened up the door
Starting to knight him from the one
We'll never, never be the same again
Never be the same again
Come on come on
Things will never be the same again
You are the one
Never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore
We'll never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore
Never be the same again
Never be the same again
Oh oh yea
Never be the same again
Never be the same again
Uh huh
Never be the same again
Never be the same again
Now I know that we were close before
I'm glad I realized I need you so much more
And that I don't care what everyone will say
It's about you and me and we'll never be the same again
I thought that we would just be friends
Things will never be the same again
It's just the beginning it's not the end
Things will never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore
Now we've opened up the door
Starting to knight him from the one
We'll never, never be the same again
Never be the same again
--> This is the part when Left Eye starts to sing.
--> Now the bass goes on but the guitar stops.
Uh check it
Night and day
Like beach sand to red clay
The US to UK
From sidewalks to highways
See it'll never be the same
What I'm sayin'
My mindframe never changed
'Til you came and rearranged
But sometimes it seems
Completely forbidden
To discover those feelings
That we kept so well hidden
When there's no competition
And you render my condition though improbable
It's not impossible
For a love that can be unstoppable to work
Are fine lines between fate and destiny
Do you believe in the things that were just meant to be
When you tell me the stories of your quest for me
Picturesque is the picture you paint effortlessly
--> Here begins again the guitar fingerpicking Dm B F C
And as our energies mix and begin to multiply
Everyday situations they start to simplify
So things will never be the same between you and I
We intertwine our life wishes and now we unify
--> Melanie starts to sing the chorus again
I thought that we would just be friends
Things will never be the same again
It's just the beginning it's not the end
Things will never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore
Now we've opened up the door
Starting to knight him from the one
We'll never, never be the same again
Never be the same again
Come on come on
Things will never be the same again
You are the one
Never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore
We'll never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore
Never be the same again
Never be the same again
Oh oh yea
Never be the same again
Never be the same again
Uh huh
Never be the same again
Nikdy To Nebude Také Isté (Never Be The Same Again)
Och áno
Nikdy to nebude také isté...
Volám ti vždy, keď sa cítim zle
Si vždy tam
Si mojimi ramenami, kde plačem
Nemôžem uveriť, že mi to trvalo tak dlho
Spraviť tento zakázaný krok
Je to niečo, čo by som mala ľutovať?
(Poď, poď)
Žiaden risk, žiadna výhra
(Si jediný)
Osamelé srdce nemôže byť krotké
(Poď, poď)
Dúfam, že cítiš to isté
Je to niečo, na čo nemôžem zabudnúť
Myslela som, že budeme len kamaráti
Veci už nikdy nebudú také isté
Je začiatok a nie koniec
Nebude to ako pred tým
Už to nie je tajomstvo
Práve teraz sme otvorili dvere
Začneme dnes v noci a od teraz
Už nikdy, nikdy nebudeme takí ako pred tým
Nikdy to nebude také isté
Teraz viem, že sme si bližší ako kedykoľvek predtým
Som rada, že som si uvedomila, že ťa potrebujem stále viac a viac
A nestarám sa o to, čo bude ktokoľvek hovoriť
Je to o tebe a mne
A my už nikdy nebudeme takí istí
(och áno)
(práve sme začali)
(otvorili dvere)
[Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez rap:]
Noc a deň
Čierny plážový piesok sa mení na červenú hlinu
Amerika na Anglicko
New York na Los Angeles
Z chodníkov sa stávajú cesty
Vidíš, nikdy to nebude také isté
Čo hovorím, to moja myseľ nikdy nezmenila, až kým
si neprišiel ty a nezmenil si to
Ale niekdy to vyzerá celkom zakázané
Objaviť tie pocity, ktoré sme držali tak dobre v tajnosti
Keď to nie je len zábava
A ty mi dobrom odplácaš moje podmienky
to čo si myslíš, že je nepravdepodobné, nie je nemožné
Pre lásku to nemôže byť nezastaviteľné
Ale počkaj
Dobrá cesta je medzi prekliatim a osudom
Veríš tým veciam, ktoré sme chceli aby boli skutočnosťou?
Keď mi rozprávaš príbehy o tom ako si ma hľadal
Malebné obrázky, ktoré si maľoval s ľahkosťou a
keď sa spoja naše energie a začnú sa násobiť
Každodenné situácie
Sa zjednodušujú
Takže veci už nidky nebudú také ako pred tým
Preplietli sme naše životné sily a teraz sme neoddeliteľní
Nikdy to nebude také isté
Už to nie je tajomstvo
Nikdy nebudeme takí ako pred tým
Už to nie je tajomstvo
Nikdy nebudeme takí ako pred tým
Nikdy to nebude také isté
Nikdy to nebude také isté..