I don\'t want that holy water, it makes me burn
I don\'t want that holy water, I guess I\'ll never learn
I\'d rather drink from the Devil\'s well
And then I\'ll go to hell
I\'d rather drink from the Devil\'s well
And then I will go straight to hell, Oh yeah
High on the mountain of Poltersberg there is a quiet lake
They say it\'s full of demons, that Satan keeps them there
Wash away your darkest sins, if that\'s what you believe
But keep in mind that if you do, who is it you deceive?
Cast a stone into this lake and soon a storm will rise
And suck out all the demons, up into the sky
Wash away your darkest sins, if that\'s what you believe
But keep in mind that if you do, who is it you deceive?
Oh holy water...holy water
I don\'t want that holy water, it makes me burn
I don\'t want that holy water, I guess I\'ll never learn
I\'d rather drink from the Devil\'s well
And then I\'ll go to hell
I\'d rather drink from the Devil\'s well
And then I will go straight to hell, Oh yeah
Deep in the vally of Blankenstein there is a sacred pool
They say that you can drink this water
It\'s cleansing of the soul
Wash away your darkest sins, if that\'s what you believe
But keep in mind that if you do, who is it you deceive?
I don\'t want that holy water, no..no..no..no..no
It makes me burn inside
I don\'t want that holy water, oh..no..
Nechcem túto svätenú vodu-horí vo mne.
Nechcem túto svätenú vodu, tuším, že sa to nikdy nenaučím.
Radšej sa napijem z diablovej studne
a potom pôjdem do Pekla.
Vysoko v Poltersberských horách je tiché jazero.
Vraví sa, že je plné Démonov, ktorých tam drží Satan.
Očistite sa od svojich temných hriechov,
ak tomu veríte,
ale ak to urobíte, pamätajte na toho, kto vás podviedol.
Hoďte do jazera kameň a čoskoro sa začne búrka,
vysaješ tých Démonov na oblohu.
Oh, svätená voda...svätená voda.
Hlboko v Blankensteinskom údolí je posvätná studňa.
Vraví sa, že ak sa niekto napije tej vody,
očistí to jeho dušu.