On a magical misty morning
I was standing in the Autumn rain
Suddenly the birds fell silent
Would I ever hear them sing again...
Hear them sing again...
Without a word of warning
I saw a shadow in the Autumn rain
Just like in my nightly dreams
The Lady In Black had come again...
The Lady had come again...
Begging me to follow her into the misty rain
Begging me to follow her into the no more pain
Her eyes were hypnotizing
Burning deep inside my brain
The Lady In Black was here now
She was here to take me far away...
Take me far away...
\"Follow me to the other side\"
Through the tunnel of light we travel, fading away
Through the tunnel of light we travel
We\'re fading away
Through the light that\'s shinning bright
We\'re fading away
Through the light that\'s shinning bright
We\'re fading away
Jednoho magického zahmleného rána,
som postával v jesennom daždi.
Zrazu však všetci vtáci stíchli…
budem ich ešte niekedy opäť počuť spievať…?
Opäť počuť spievať…?
Bez slova varovania,
Som videl tieň v jesennom daždi.
Presne ako v mojich nočných snoch.
Tá dáma v čiernom sa opäť vrátila…
Tá dáma v čiernom sa opäť vrátila…
Prosila ma, aby som ju nasledoval do zahmleného dažďa.
Prosila ma, aby som šiel za ňou tam, kde neucítim bolesť.
Jej oči hypnotizovali, horeli hlboko v mojom mozgu.
Tá dáma v čiernom tu opäť bola.
Bola tu, aby ma vzala tak hrozne ďaleko…
Bola tu, aby ma vzala tak hrozne ďaleko…
“Nasleduj ma na druhú stranu.”
Tunelom svetla sme cestovali, strácajúc sa.
Tunelom svetla sme cestovali, strácajúc sa.
Zmizli sme.
Jasne žiariacim svetlom sme sa strácali.
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