Why am I here, in a quiet mortuary
A lady and man, flowers in their hands
Nobody sees me, I don\'t understand
Nobody hears me...
Seems like I don\'t exist
Seems like no one can hear me as I... Scream
I do not feel the way I used to be
Could it really be that the one I see is me
You gotta tell why people come but never stay
Could it really be that the one I see is me
Does it really matter... Do you really care
Why am I here, in a quiet mortuary
Listen to the bell, calling my name
Nobody sees, calling my name
Nobody hears me...As I... Scream
Why do I feel like I\'ve been left behind
Could it really be I\'m in the afterlife
You gotta tell me why I feel like I\'ve been left behind
Could it really be I\'m in the afterlife
Does it really matter... Do you really care
Why do I feel like I\'ve been left behind
Could it really be I\'m in the afterlife
You gotta tell why people come but never stay
Could it really be I\'m in the afterlife
Does it really matter... Do you really care
Prečo som tu v tejto tichej márnici?
Muž a dáma držia v rukách kvety.
Nikto ma nevidí, nerozumiem.
Nikto ma nepočuje…
Vypadá to tak, akoby som neexistoval.
Zdá sa, akoby nokto nepočul, jako kričím!
Necítim sa vo svojom tele.
Je to možné, že to, čo som videl som ja sám?
Povedzte mi prečo ľudia prichádzajú, ale neostanú?
Je to možné, aby som videl seba samého?
Bolo to naozaj…naozaj to chceš vedieť?
Prečo som tu v tichej márnici.
Počúvaj zvon, volá moje meno.
Nokto ma nevidí, volá moje meno.
Nokto ma nepočuje…keď…kričím!
Prečo sa cítim, akoby som bol pozadu?
Mohlo sa to naozaj stať, som po smrti?
Povedzte mi prečo sa cítim, akoby som tu ani nebol.
Mohlo sa to naozaj stať?
Mohla to byť skutočnosť…naozaj sa o to zaujímaš?