Tonight’s story is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introducing
A monster had arrived in the village
The major ingredient of any recipe for fear is the unknown
And this person or thing is soon to be met
He knows every thought, he can feel every emotion
Oh yes, I did forget something didn’t I? I forgot to introduce you to the monster.
You’re fearing me, ‘cause you know I’m a beast
Watching you when you sleep, when you’re in bed
I’m underneath
You’re trapped in halls, and my face is the walls
I’m the floor when you fall, and when you scream it’s ‘cause of me
I’m the living dead, the dark thoughts in your head
I know just what you said
That’s why you’ve got to be threatened by me
You should be watching me, you should feel threatened
Why you sleep, why you creep, you should be threatened
Every time your lady speaks she speaks to me, threatened
Half of me you’ll never be, so you should feel threatened by me
You think you’re by yourself, but it’s my touch you felt
I’m not a ghost from Hell, but I’ve got a spell on you
In one blink I’ll disappear, and then I’ll come back to haunt you
I’m telling you, when you lie under a tomb
I’m the one watching you
That’s why you got to be threatened by me
The unknown monster is about to embark
From a far corner, out of the dark
A nightmare, that’s the case
Never Neverland, that’s the place
This particular monster can read minds
Be in tow places at the same time
This is judgement night, execution, slaughter
The devil, ghosts, this monster is torture
You can be sure of one thing, that’s fate
A human presence that you feel is strange
A monster that you can see disappear
A monster, the worst thing to fear.
[Refrén x 3]
What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare.
It isn’t. It’s the beginning.
dnesni vecerni povidka je jedinecna a vyjimecna
v druhu pocatku
monstrum prijelo do vesnice
hlavni prisada z nejakeho receptu na strach je neznama,
a tahle osoba nebo vec se brzy objevi
on zna kazdou myslenku, dokaze citit kazdy pocit,
oh ano, zapomnel jsem na neco, ze jo? zapomnel jsem te zavest,
k tomu monstru
desis me, protoze vis, ze jsem bestie
divam se na tebe, kdyz spis, kdyz jsi v posteli
jsem pod zemi
jsi lapen v halach, a moje tvar jsou zdi
jsem na podlaze, kdyz spadnes a kdyz kricis je to,
kvuli me
ja jsem zivy nemrtvy, ty temne myslenky ve tve hlave,
vim, co jsi prave rekl
to je duvod, proc te musim ohrozovat
mel bys me sledovat, mel by ses citit ohrozeny
kdyz spis, kdyz se plizis, mel by ses citit ohrozeny,
vzdy, kdyz tva divka mluví, mluví ke mně, ohrozena,
nikdy nebudes mou casti, takze by ses mel citit mnou ohrozeny
myslis si, ze jsi sam, ale to je muj dotyk, cos citil,
nejsem duchz pekla, ale mam nad tebou moc
v jedinem mrkuti zmizim, a pak se vratim te navstivit,
rikam ti, kdyz si ulehas pod hrob
ja jediny, te sleduju
to je duvod, proc by ses mel citit byt mnou ohrozeny
mel bys me sledovat, mel by ses citit ohrozeny
kdyz spis, kdyz se plizis, mel by ses citit ohrozeny,
vzdy, kdyz tva divka mluci, mluci ke me, ohrozena,
nikdy nebudes mou casti, takze by ses mel citit mnou ohrozeny
nezname montrum vchazi
ze vzdalenych koutu, pryc z temnoty
nocni mura, to je ten pripad
zadna zeme nezeme, tohle je to misto
tohle zvlastni montrum umi cist myslenky
byt vleceny ve stejny cas
tohle je rozhodujici noc, poprava, masakrovani
dabel, duchove, tohle monstrum muci
muzes si ale byt jisty jednou veci, tohle je osud
lidska pritomnost, kterou citis je zvlastni
monstrum, ktere vidis, zmizelo
montrum, nejhorsi vec, ktere se muzes bat
mel bys me sledovat, mel by ses citit ohrozeny
kdyz spis, kdyz se plizis, mel by ses citit ohrozeny,
vzdy, kdyz tva divka mluci, mluci ke me, ohrozena,
nikdy nebudes mou casti, takze by ses mel citit mnou ohrozeny
to co mas, je jen svedek, ktery by mohl ukoncit tuhle,
zvlast desivou nocni muru
neni, tohle je teprve zacatek