Behind the shape of things, deep in that phenomena, there appears form in illusion.
Represent the day dream.
[Yuukei no genshou no oku ni aru Fukai genei teki sokumen o hakujitsu yume no you ni egakidasu]
Expel the latent, what exists in truth, in essence.
[Keishiki no soto ni kaihoushi senzai ka no ishiki sono haigo ni aru mono no shin no honshitsu o]
Throw away rigid style. Break the swing.
[Youshikibi o haishi] [Ritsudou o kaimetsusaseyo]
Sou Anata ga te ni shita euphony
Shirushita hisoyaka na sign wa kakusareta tobira o
Me ni wa utsuranai Yumeutsutsu ishikika de
Me o tojite Konpeki ni kagayaku Philosophia
Affected material culture. Reclaim humanity.
[Busshitsu bunmei ni dokusareta yugami] [Zenjinsei no saisei]
Free of shape, natural moment, describe as dot image.
[Gaikei ni torawarenai, shizen shunkan inshou o, tenbyou no gotoku byousha shi]
Seek, feel, throw away rigid style.
Rest, awake, break the balance and swing.
[Ritsudou, kinkou o kaimetsusase yo]
Kowarekake no euphoria, idea ni idakarete
Tsubasa (hane) wa kagayaki o ushinai
Kago naka ni zai (i)reba Yumegokochi ni yurarete
Kagirareta sekai to Kieteyuku Realist
Kagami ni nemuru Philosophia
Fated, "raison d'être"
[ Shukumei no sonzai riyuu ]
Autor: Moi Dix Mois
Album: Dix Infernal
Autor: Moi Dix Mois
Album: Nocturnal Opera
Autor: Moi Dix Mois
Album: Pageant (Single)
Autor: Moi Dix Mois
Album: Pageant (Single)