Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

We're All Mad - Natasha Bedingfield

NNatasha Bedingfield - Unwritten - We're All Mad

Ohodnoť toto video:

Oh, I think the lady did protest too much
She wouldn't take the flower from my hand
She only saw the shadow of my circumstance
Perception can describe what makes a man

I didn't mean to interrupt your stride
But a rose was all I had to give
Sometimes beauty isn't recognised
When it contrasts with what you feel inside

Who's to say the darkened clouds must lead to rain
Who's to say the problems should just go away
Who's to point a finger at what's not understood

Because, we're all mad in our own way
Colours fade the grey away
Different people all the same
Each reveals the meaning
We're all mad in our own way
Fill the sky with different shades
Read the story on each page
Each reveals the meaning

Each reveals the meaning

Sometimes I think I over analyse
As if I cant control the time and place
Life isn't something you try on for size
You can't love without the give and take

Who's to say the darkened clouds must lead to rain
Who's to say the problems should just go away
Who's to point a finger at what's not understood

Because, we're all mad in our own way
Colours fade the grey away
Different people all the same
Each reveals the meaning
We're all mad in our own way
Fill the sky with different shades
Read the story on each page
Each reveals the meaning

We're all mad in our own way
Colours fade the grey away
Different people all the same
Each reveals the meaning
We're all mad in our own way
Fill the sky with different shades
Read the story on each page
Each reveals the meaning

Oh, each reveals the meaning
Oh oh oh yeah, oh

We're all mad in our own way
Colours fade the grey away
Different people all the same
Each reveals the meaning
We're all mad in our own way
Fill the sky with different shades
Read the story on each page
Each reveals the meaning

We're all mad in our own way
Colours fade the grey away
Different people all the same
Each reveals the meaning
We're all mad in our own way
Fill the sky with different shades
Read the story on each page
Each reveals the meaning

We're all mad

Všetci Sme Blázniví

Oh, myslím, že dáma priveľmi protestovala
Nechcela vziať kvet z mojej dlane
Videla len tieň za mojich okolností
Vnem môže opísať, čo robí muža
Nemyslím na prerušenie tvojho vykračovania si
Ale ruža bola všetko, čo som mohol dať
Niekedy krása nedokáže pripustiť
Keď sa to líši s tým, čo cítiš vo vnútri
Kto hovorí, že tmavé mraky musia rozpútať búrku
Kto hovorí, že problémy samy odídu
Kto ukazuje prsto na niečo, čo nie e rozumné
Pretože všetci sme bláznivý, každý svojim spôsobom
Farebnosť vybledne a znova ošedivie
Odlišní ľudia sú takí istí
Každé prezrádzanie významu
Všetci sme blázniví, každý svojim spôsobom
Zapĺňame oblohu inými tieňmi
Čítame príbeh na každej strane
Každé prezrádzanie významu
Každé prezrádzanie významu
Niekedy rozmýšľam, analyzujem
ako môžem prevziať kontrolu nad časom a miestom
Život nie je niečo, čo môžeš skúšať niekoľkokrát
Nemôžeš milovať bez brania a dávania
Pretože všetci sme bláznivý…

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