Středa, 12. března 2025, svátek má Řehoř

Afraid-Nelly Furtado - Nelly Furtado

NNelly Furtado - Loose - Afraid-Nelly Furtado

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What they say what they say what they say
What they say what they say what they say

You speak out all you feel is defiance
All you need is some self-reliance
Cuz this world is gonna always try us
And all you wanted was to run for cover
Well here's looking to yourself and no other
We're all searching for that special something
And we keep on running

We all have the choice to take the lead or follow
I want to feel the light shine on me

You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay cuz you're only human
You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay you'll soon get strong enough
You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay cuz you're only human
You're so afraid of what people might say
You're going to break
So please don't do it

You wanna spread your wings but you're not sure
Don't wanna leave your comforts
Wanna find a cure
We're afraid of who we see in the mirror
We wanna let got but it feels too pure
Who wants to be alone in this world
You look around and all you see is hurt
But the light it always guides us
If we move with a little trust

We all have the choice to take the lead or follow
I want to feel the light shine on me

You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay cuz you're only human
You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay you'll soon get strong enough
You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay cuz you're only human
You're so afraid of what people might say
You're going to break
So please don't do it

A diamond don't define what shine is
I don't need a Rolex to know what the time is
You got your let me find what mine is
I'm a survivor look how strong my mind is
I stand on my own it's all me
Regardless of whatever they call me

I'm a leader not a follower
And I'd rather be paid and popular
Ride homie get your dollars up
We're in the belly of the beast that already swallowed us

You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay cuz you're only human
You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay you'll soon get strong enough
You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay cuz you're only human
You're so afraid of what people might say
You're going to break
So please don't do it

You're so afraid of what people might say
You're so afraid of what people might say
You're so afraid of what people might say
You're so afraid of what people might say

You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay cuz you're only human
You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay you'll soon get strong enough
You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay cuz you're only human
You're so afraid of what people might say
You're going to break
So please don't do it


Čo hovoria, čo hovoria, čo hovoria

Jasne vravíš, že všetko čo cítiš je vzdor
Jediné čo potrebuješ je trochu sebadôvery
Pretože tento svet nás bude navždy skúšať
A jediné čo si chcel bolo schovať sa
Tu sa pozerá len na tebe a na nikoho iného
Všetci sa hľadáme pre to niečo špeciálne
A naďalej budeme

Mali sme možnosť uchopiť sa vedenia alebo nasledovania
Chcem cítiť lesk svetla
Si taký vyľakaný z toho čo by ľudia mohli povedať
Ale to je ok, pretože si len človek
Si taký vyľakaný z toho čo by ľudia mohli povedať
Ale to je ok, čoskoro si zvykneš
Si taký vyľakaný z toho čo by ľudia mohli povedať
Ale to je ok, pretože si len človek
Si taký vyľakaný z toho čo by ľudia mohli povedať
Chceš to vzdať
Tak to prosím neurob

Chceš roztiahnuť svoje krídla ale nie si si istý
Nechceš sa vzdať svojej pohody nájsť liek
Sme vyľakaný z toho, koho vidíme v zrkadle
Chceme to zotrieť ale cíti sa to príliš čisté
Kto chce byť sám v tomto svete
Dívaš sa dookola a jediné čo vidíš je bolesť
Ale svetlo nás vždy povedie
Ak pôjdeme s trochou nádeje

Diamand nedefinuje čo je lesk
Nepotrebujem Rolexky aby som vedel, aký je čas
Našiel si to, čo patrí tebe
Som ten čo prežil hľadajúci aká silná je moja myseľ
Som sám sebou som to ja
Bez ohľadu na to akokoľvek ma volali

Som vodca nie nasledovník
A skôr by som platil a bol populárny
Zobudiť sa s tvojími dolármi

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