The Angel Gabriel was sent from God
to a city of Galilee called Nazareth
Na na na na Nazareth - can anything good come out of
na na na na Nazareth.
To a Virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph of the house of David,
and the Virgin's name - Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary,
Virgin's name was Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary
An' he came to her an' said:
"Rejoice full of grace, the Lord is with you"
She was greatly perplex (?)
and in her heart she was pondering - what sort of greeting this might be?
The Angel said: "Do not fear, Mary, for you've found favor with God,
you conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus"
J J J J J J Jesus - you shall name Him - J J J J J J J J Jesus
And Mary said: "How shall this be
since I know not a man ?"
The Angel said: "The holy spirit will come upon you
and the power of the Most High will overshadow you,
therefore the child to be born will be called holy-the Son of God"
And Mary said: "Behold I am the handmade of the Lord
Let be into me according to your word"
Ye ye ye ye Yes
Mary said ye ye ye ye yes
Mary said YES!
The man was jumped for joy
When he heard Mary said yes!
The Father's overjoyed when his daughter said yes!
Party, party, party time - Angels singing - party, party, party time.
Party time!
Sing for joy of Daughter of Zion,
Sing for joy of Daughter of Zion
Sing for joy of Daughter of Zion
Sing for joy of Daughter of Zion
Now Mary was free to say no to the Angel of God,
but she conceived in her heart and than in her womb.
Ye ye ye ye ye yes, ye ye ye ye ye yes.
The man was jumped for joy
When he heard Mary said yes!
The Father overjoyed when his children (?) said yes!
Party, party, party time - Angels singing - party, party, party time.
Party time!
Autor: Paddy Kelly
Album: In Exil