I´m super-flamboyant, super-happy, and super-pissed-off,"
understates Papa Roach frontman Coby Dick. "I´m off the
hook at shows. I´ve done stupid things where our lawyer was
going, ´You can´t be doing that!´ but I´ve also hugged a
million kids. How Nirvana was when they came out - that new
edge of giving kids a release of emotions - that´s how I
hope people connect with Papa Roach´s music. I want to
cause every emotion in people. I want them to fight, to
fuck; I want to bring out their violence, their sadness,
and their happiness." Singer-Songwriter Dick, Guitarist
Jerry Horton, Bassist Tobin Esperance, and Drummer Dave
Buckner acheive Dicks estimable goals with INFEST.
Kvoli vykriku „Pane !“, utekam pred upadkom
Boze zakaz, ze viem, ze som klesol
Docahujem nebo, zatial co nechavam v stoke
kopajuceho a kriciaceho, Ja som spievajucy krvavy vrah
Som nažive ked som zranitelny
Som bez kontroly, stracam svoju dusu
Nemozem byt tvoj anjel, ked zijem ako diabol
Nemozem byt tvoj milenec, ked zijem ako rebel
Nechcem tvoju lutost a nechcem tvoju pomoc
Neskusaj ma zachranit, chod a staraj sa o seba
Som nazive ! Suzovany bolestou, suzovany smutkom
suzovany dneskom, suzovany zajtrajsom
Som zavisly na trapeni v mojej hlave
Radsej zastavim nez to ukoncim smrtou
A tak splham, na vrchol, len kvoli padu na dno
a splham, na vrchol, len kvoli padu na dno