I am awake under this blanket of fear, and I must say, none of the people I see belong here, now everyone´s asleep, I am
awake and I am dreaming, I believe it´s time for a rude awakening
So hold on to your dreams, Because your nightmares might seem like they´re your reality Hold on to your dreams, Because
your nightmares might seem like they´re your reality
I believe, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself, and the man behind the curtain, I heard him say, "Dreamers have
become an endangered species, and I am aware of the rude awakening
I´m falling in my dream I finally hit the ground,I´m falling in my dream I finally hit the ground, I hit the ground,
because I, I can´t keep my mind from going into dark places, because I, I can´t keep my mind from going into dark places
I´m falling in my dream I finally hit the ground, I´m falling in my dream I finally hit the ground!
Prikrývka strachu
Nože sa prebudím pod touto prikrývkou strachu
Chod mi z očí (???nejasné)
Nikoho z ludí nevidím klamať
Teraz chcem konečne zaspať
Zobudím sa a snívam
Verím, že je čas na divoké prebudenie
Tak si nechajte svoje sny
pretože by vaše nočné mory mohli byť reálne
Ponechajte si vaše sny
pretože by vaše nočné mory mohli byť reálne
Verím, že sa musíme báť len jednej veci
Strachu v nás a muža za hlasom
Počul som ho hovoriť: Rojkovia sa stávajú ohrozeným druhom
A uvedomujem si divoké prebudenie
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