Paris For President!
At the palms chilling with the martini
Paris For President!
Your commander in bikini
Let me tell you bout my policies
To stop the player hating on the USA
Incentivise nuclear nonproliferation and ratify Kyoto today
You can ride in the motorcade in my Hybrid pink Escalade
Paris For President!
Not another oldie cliche
Paris For President!
You can get married if you're straight or if you're gay
If you're gonna put lipstick on a pig
Make sure that shade matches the skin-tone
You can trust me with my finger on the button (nucular)
Except vocabulary don't
Trading in the cabinet for a walk in closet
Hey! (Hey!)
Paris For President!
America should put me in charge
Paris For President!
Look at Bush it can't be that hard
Simon Cowell he might be a little mean
But when one of the judges kicks the bucket
I'll put him on the Court Supreme,
Then I'll paint the white house pink and move Camp David to Maui
Paris For President!
A proponent of clean energy
Paris For President!
The real maverick in DC
Waterboarding is torture and global warming is totally not hot
I'll make a department called the fashion police,
Boost the economy with all of the new jobs
Make over lady liberty in Donna, Tommy and Calvin Klein
Paris For President!
Get your cute little butt out there and vote,
Paris For President!
To spend some beauty tips and hope
Paris For President...
Paris For President...
Autor: Hilton Paris
Album: Stars are blind