When it seems like the world around's just breaking
And it feels like there's no one else around you
And it's quiet there's a silence in the darkness
And it sounds like the carnival is over
As you walk in the crowded empty spaces
And you stare at the emptiness around you
You wanna go to the city and the bright lights
And get away from the sadness around you
'Cause I will be there and you will be there
We'll find each other in the dark
And you will see and I'll see it too
'Cause we'll be together in the dark
'Cause if it's coming for you
Then it's coming for me
'cause I will be there
'Cause we'll need each other in the dark
And if it terrifies you then it terrifies me
'Cause I will be there
So we've got each other in the dark
As I look in to the sky the stars bright as eyes
You want me to take you over there
I want you to stay with me
'cause you're not the only one
The only one
No no
Don't worry you're not the only one
'Cause if it's coming for you
Then it's coming for me
But I will be there
'Cause we'll need each other in the dark
And if it's panicking you then it's panicking me
But I will be there
So we've got each other in the dark
In the dark
In the dark
We'll need each other in the dark
In the dark
In the dark
We'll hold each other in the dark
Now we're save together in the dark
'Cause we've got each other in the dark
Kdyz to vypada ze zivot se rozpada
a citis ze nieje nik jak Ty kolem Tebe
a je jen osamelost a ticho v temnote
a zvuky veselosti su pric
a kracis preplnenymi a prazdnymi miestami
a koukas na prazdnotu kolem sebe
chces jit do mesta rozzarit svetla
odist pric ze smutku kolem Tebe
protoze ja tam nebudu ale Ty jo
najdeme se navzajem v temnote
Ty chces videt a ja taky
protoze sme spolu v seru
protoze ak si to de po Tebe
pak to jde i po mne
proto tam budu
protoze potrebujeme nekoho vedle sebe v seru
ak to vydesilo Tebe pak to desi mne
proto tam budu
takze se tam mame navzajem v seru
kdyz se divam na nebe, hviezdy ziaria jak oci
chces ma vzit tam
chci abys zustala pri mne
protoze nejsi sama
ne, ne, neboj se nejsi sama
protoze ak si to de po Tebe
pak to jde i po mne
proto tam budu
protoze potrebujeme nekoho vedle sebe v seru
ak panikaris Ty
pak panikarim i ja
ale ja tam budu
tak se budeme mit v seru navzajem
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