Look at these few old photographs
This was the first day that we met
The sun is shining but you re so wet
I know that it started near the place
Where I was born and went to school
This big old house is no more there
There were our friend and you and me
We were so young and wild and free
The best summer it seemed to be
Me and you on the photograph
When I see it it makes me laugh
You said that you never saw it
Me and you on the photograph
So much crazy things we´ve done
Now it´s forgiven we were young
I remember now the day
When I was walking down the fields
Drinking water from the rain
Look at this picture you can see
That you are walking next to me
And you are so wet - just like me
Pozri sa niekoľko starých fotografií
Bol tam prvý deň, ked sme sa stretli
Slnko svietilo, ale ty si bola premočená
Viem, že sa to začalo blízko miesta
Kde som sa narodil, a chodil do školy
Tá stará budova tam už není
Boli tm naši priatelia a ja a ty
Boli sme takí mladí, divokí a slobodní
Zdalo sa mi to ako najlepšie leto
Ja a ty na fotografii
Ked som sa na to pozrel, zasmial som sa
Povedala si, že si to nikdy nevidela
Ja a ty na fotografii
Tak veľa zábavných vecí sme urobili
Teraz je to odpustenie, že sme boli mladí
Pamätám si teraz deň
Ked som išiel cez pole
Pil som daždovú vodu
Pozri sa na obrázky, ktoré si mohla vidieť
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