Čtvrtek, 06. února 2025, svátek má Vanda

Can't Take Me Home - Pink

PPink - Can't Take Me Home - Can't Take Me Home

Ohodnoť toto video:

Can't take me home to mama cuz she wouldn't think I'm proper
Shoulda thought about that before you f
** with me
Don't say you're fallin for me, don't tell me you adore me
Cuz all you're thinkin bout is f
** me
Can't take me home to mama cuz she wouldn't think I'm proper
Shoulda thought about that before you f
** with me
Don't say you're fallin for me, don't tell me you adore me
Cuz all you're thinkin bout is f
** me

Why'd ya even talk to me, baby were you curious
You knew you never had a love like this
My love was serious, had you delirious
Don't front, I felt it in every kiss
You try and play me, like I ain't your lady
When you just told me that you love me and you want me as your baby
Understand me, cuz I know we can be
Just as happy as anybody, let your heart feel me baby

Can't take me home to mama cuz she wouldn't think I'm proper
Shoulda thought about that before you f
** with me
Don't say you're fallin for me, don't tell me you adore me
Cuz all you're thinkin bout is f
** me
Can't take me home to mama cuz she wouldn't think I'm proper
Shoulda thought about that before you f
** with me
Don't say you're fallin for me, don't tell me you adore me
Cuz all you're thinkin bout is f
** me

What the hell was on your mind
You thought I had the time, to be your little undercover thing
But see I can't deal with that, so you better just split with that
Come at me real
Quit playin these silly games
How can you love me, and then just leave me
Because you see somebody looking
And you think they disagree
Well they don't feed you, so why you care boo
Cuz the best love you ever had is right here with you

Can't take me home to mama cuz she wouldn't think I'm proper
Shoulda thought about that before you f
** with me
Don't say you're fallin for me, don't tell me you adore me
Cuz all you're thinkin bout is f
** me
Can't take me home to mama cuz she wouldn't think I'm proper
Shoulda thought about that before you f
** with me
Don't say you're fallin for me, don't tell me you adore me
Cuz all you're thinkin bout is f
** me

I don't want nobody else but you
But if you keep playing, then I'll make you the fool
Cuz it's a Pink thang
It's the way you would wanna get with me
Oh, it's a Pink thang
Tell you, your mama you're just gonna hafta see

Can't take me home to mama cuz she wouldn't think I'm proper
Shoulda thought about that before you f
** with me
Don't say you're fallin for me, don't tell me you adore me
Cuz all you're thinkin bout is f
** me
Can't take me home to mama cuz she wouldn't think I'm proper
Shoulda thought about that before you f
** with me
Don't say you're fallin for me, don't tell me you adore me
Cuz all you're thinkin bout is f
** me

nemůžeš mě vzít domů k mámě
protože jsme nemohli tušit že jsem ta pravá
nepřemýšleli bysme o tom
předtím než jsi se mnou jedl
neřekls že ses do mě zamiloval
neřekls jí že mě zbožňuješ
protože všechno co si o tom myslíš je, že na mě kašleš

pročs na mě vůbec mluvil?miláčku byls divnej
ty víš žes nikdy neměl takovouhle lásku
moje láska byla seriózní
zbláznil ses?
není hlavní že jsem to našla v každém polibku
zkoušels to a hrál sis se mnou
teď nejsem tvoje holka
kdyžs řekl žes mě miloval
a chtěls mě za svojeho miláčka
pochop mě, protože vím, že bysme mohli být šťastní jako kdokoliv
nech svou mámu ať mě pozná miláčku
co si sakra myslíš?
myslels že mám čas
být tvá malá tajná věc
ale koukej!já s tím nesouhlasím
takže uděláš nejlíp když to skončíš
hraju tady blbý hry, tak pojď sem pěkně rychle
jak mě dokážeš milovat
a pak mě opustit
protože vidíš někoho jak se dívá
a víš, že nesouhlasí?
dobře, ani tě neživí
tak proč se staráš miláčku?
protože ta nejlepší láska , jaká tě kdy potkala, je teď tady s tebou


nechci být nikdo jiný ale
pokud si začneš hrát, když z tebe udělám blbce
protože to je věc PINK
pokud jsi člověk, který by mě chtěl
oh, je to věc PINK
tvé mámě-to musíš vidět!

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