Why was I the last to know
That you weren't coming to my show you coulda
Called me up to say "good luck"
You coulda called me back you stupid fuck
Why was I the last to know?
First date, we ate sushi and
It went well, I was funny and
You said I was a cutie
That's the last thing I heard from you
I left the tickets at the door for you
I had to tell my mom that there was
No more room
You didn't show, that was so uncool
You coulda called me back
So i guess this means that we're
Not friends anymore, I heard
It's me you're asking for, I thought
I'd see you at the show
You said you'd go
After the date, I wouldn't go
Home with you
I wouldn't put my heels in the
Air for you
You tried to get me to do things
I just won't do
Last I heard from you
Here is how I guess the story goes
You woulda came if I was a ho
for parts that's just not how
I roll, move it on down the road
So I guess, we, shouldn't be
Friends anymore, sick of hearin'
That it's me you're askin' for
'Cause I thought I'd see you at the
Show, you said you'd go!
You thought you know me
I guess you didn't
You thought you had me
I think you didn't
You thought you knew me
But you didn't
Prečo som sa musela dozvedieť ako posledná,
že neprídeš na môj koncert?
Mohol si mi aspoň zavolať a popriať šťastie
aspoň si mi mohol zavolať, ty hajzlík
prečo som sa to musela dozvedieť ako posledá?
Prvé rande, boli sme na sushi
všetko bolo ok, bola som zábavná
povedal si, že som zlatá
to je posledné, čo som od teba počula,
pri dverách som ti nechala lístky na môj koncert
vlastnej mame som musela povedať,
že už je všetko obsadené
a ty si neprišiel, to bolo tak úbohé
Mohol si mi aspoň zavolať
Takže myslím, že po tomto už nie sme priateľmi
myslela som, že máš o mňa záujem
myslela som, že ťa po koncerte uvidím
povedal si predsa, že prídeš
Po našom rande som s tebou nešla k tebe
nestál si mi za to, aby som sa
s tebou vyspala už v prvú noc
skúšal si ma donútiť k veciam,
ktoré jednoducho nerobím
a takto nejako ten príbeh pokračuje:
keby som sa s tebou vyspala, bol by si prišiel
ale takto ja nefungujem
Myslel si si, že ma poznáš
nepoznal si
myslel si, že ma už máš v hrsti
ale nemal si
myslel si, že ma poznáš
ale nepoznal si