Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

Buildings - Regina Spektor

RRegina Spektor - 11:11 - Buildings

Ohodnoť toto video:

He was a husband who drove his wife home drunk from the parties
He was a husband who drove his wife home
And in the car he would gently lean her head on the side door window
And in the bathroom he would hold her hair back and hope, saying;

They build buildings oh they build buildings oh they build buildings
So tall these days

And in the morning she'd wake up and crouch recollections all day
But she would always always wake up the next morning
And he'd take one look at her a say baby that's ok
And her conscience would issue yet another last warning, saying;

They build buildings oh they build buildings
Oh they build buildings
So tall these days

And she would ask for time
And she'd ask for time
And she would ask for time
And she would beg for time,
And she would beg for time
And beg for time and call it a gift
And he would give her time
And he'd give her time
And he would give her time
And he'd give her time
But time is not given and time is not taken
It just sifts through its sift

And it was coffee and coffee and coffee
And coffee and coffee and coffee some more
He'd go to work and she'd take a sick day and rot at the core
And by the time he came back
She'd scrub the bathroom and make it smell like pine
It would be almost as if nothing had happened
And he'd give her time, saying;

They build buildings, oh they build buildings, oh they build buildings,
Oh don't they build buildings, oh they build buildings,
They build buildings so tall these days

And she would ask for time
And she'd ask for time
And she would ask for time
And she would beg for time,
And she would beg for time
And beg for time and call it a gift
And he would give her time
And he'd give her time
And he would give her time
And he'd give her time-
But time is not given and time is not taken
It just sifts through its sift

He was a husband drove time home pine scrub bathroom window
Don't they build buildings so tall these days...

Byl manželem, který odvezl svou opilou ženu domů z párty
Byl manželem, který zavezl svou ženu domu
A v autě jí šetrně opřel hlavu o boční okno dveří
A v koupelně ji držel vlasy vzadu a doufal, říkajíc

Stavějí budovy, stavějí budovy
Stavějí budovy
Tak vysoké v téhle době

A ráno by se měla probudit a zrekapitulovat si celý den
Ale ona se vždycky vždycky probudí až to další ráno
A mu stačí jediný pohled, aby řekl lásko, to je v pořádku
A její svědomí vydá ještě jedno poslední varování, říkající

Stavějí budovy, stavějí budovy
Stavějí budovy
Tak vysoké v téhle době

A ona požádá o čas
Požádá o čas
Požádá o čas
Prosí o čas
Prosí o čas
A prosí o čas a říká tomu dar
A on jí dá čas
Dá jí její čas
Dá jí čas
Dá jí čas
Ale čas se nedá dát a čas se nedá vzít
Ten jen tak prosévá vším, prosévá

A byla káva a káva a káva
A káva a káva a káva a nějaké další
Šel do práce a ona si vzala nemocenskou a
Hnila v jádru
A časem se on vrátil
Ona vydrhla koupelnu, až voněla po borovicích
Bylo to skoro jako by se nic nestalo
A on jí dal čas, říkajíc

Oni stavějí budovy, stavějí budovy, stavějí budovy
nestavějí oni budovy? Stavějí budovy,
stavějí budovy tak vysoké v této době

Byl manželem, co odjel z domu z borovicové čistého okna koupelny
Nestavějí v dnešní době budovy tak vysoké?

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