Baby please, you don´t have to explain the reasons
This is me, I know your mind can change like the seasons
Go your way, I know the world is calling your name boy
It´s okay, cuz what we got it ain´t gonna change boy
As long as we´ve been together
You´ve always been the one
Nobody knows you better
When all is said and done
When your friends start to trip
And you´re loosin your grip
And you cant find your way back home
When your world falls apart
And you´re lost in the dark
And you know that your all alone
When you just can deal, and you need something real
Someone that´ll always come through
Who ya gonna run to?
Who ya gonna run to?
You and me we go back to jump rope and grey school
Memories when you were tryin´ so hard to play cool
I don´t mind I know that you gotta go through your changes
Take your time sometimes are hard to rearrange it
As long as we´ve been together
You´ve always been the one
Nobody knows you better
When all is said and done
When your friends start to trip
And you´re loosin your grip
And you cant find your way back home
When your world falls apart
And you´re lost in the dark
And you know that your all alone
When you just can deal, and you need something real
Someone that´ll always come through
Who ya gonna run to?
Who ya gonna run to?
There ain´t nobody who can ever understand like I do ( I do)
So when you realise you need the one you said goodbye to (bye to)
Look over your shoulder boy and you know who be there
You know I´m gonna be right there (right there)
When your friends start to trip
And your loosin your grip
And u cant find your way back home
When your world falls apart
And you´re lost in the dark
And you know that your all alone
When you just can deal, and you need something real
Someone that´ll always come through
Who ya gonna run to?
Who ya gonna run to?
When there´s nobody else in the world you can put your trust in
(Who ya gonna run to)
And you find all the haters around you, they don´t mean nothing
(Who ya gonna run to)
Who ya gonna run to?
Tak poď,Mr.DJ, zahraj ten song ešte raz,
tak poď Mr.DJ, nechceš pustiť hudbu hlasnejšie?
Všetci chlapi na parket čakajú nečo vic,takže
poď Mr.DJ, nechceš pustiť hudbu hlasnejšie?
Ide to 1 ku 1 aj 2 ku 2.
Všetci na parkete, ukážte mi,
ako to ide.
Poďme, skloňte sa nízko a pomaly hore,
zatoč sa 1-krat, zatoč sa spět ešte raz.
Makej, makej, makej, makej!
Všetci sa hýbte!
Ukážte mi, ako sa hýbete a
rockujete, kým hraje hudba.
Hýbte sa, pokiaľ sa mesiac
nevymení za slnko.(slnko)
Všetci v klube ukážte, ako makáte.(makaáte)
Ak ste pripravení hýbať sa, povedzte to.(ano, ano)
Jedenkrát pre tvoju myseľ to povedz.(ano, ano)
Som na teba pripravená.
Poď, nechaj ma ukázať ti to,
ak chceš tancovať, ukážem ti, ako sa hýbať.
Poď, poď.
REFREN 1 (2x)
Hej, Mr.
Prosím, Mr.DJ.
Povedz, či ma pučuješ.
Dej hudbu hlasnejšie.
UIde to 1 ku 1 aj 2 ku 2.
Všetci v klube budú tancovať vtedy,
kedy ja.
Nechaj basy speakrov bežať cez
svoje tenisky,
hýb oboma nohami a bež
do rytmu.
REFREN 1 (2x)
Hej, Mr.
Prosím, Mr.DJ.
Povedz, či ma počuješ.
Daj hudbu hlasnejšie.
Okay, všetci poďte dolu, keď ma
Dejte ruky hore k stropu.
REFREN 1 (2x)