Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

Anywhere But Here - Rise Against

RRise Against - Siren Song Of The Counter Culture - Anywhere But Here

Ohodnoť toto video:

We've been alright up until now,
but the air that we breathe is about to run out.
We've rehearsed our lines clear and loud,
but the cue never came and the lights,
they never went down.
So we're passing the time,
while time passes us.
The fast lanes a term never applied to us.
Without a dime to my name,
or a prayer in the world.
I walk out the door.

Destination anywhere but here.
Away from you.

Now I'm on my way to the other side,
(On my way)
I'll forget everything I left behind.
(On my way)
These empty rooms,
(On my way)
are still filled with you.
(On my way)

So I dropped out of my own race,
a race with no finish line,
no first or last place.
These faces all rush right past me.
I turn and walk away,
cause we finally know now what our
time here's about, we were not meant to be
another face in the crowd.
We're a forest of lives,
but we grow tall and wide.
We'll never be cut down.

Destination anywhere but here.
Away from you.

Now I'm on my way to the other side,
(On my way)
I'll forget everything I left behind.
(On my way)
These empty rooms,
(On my way)
are still filled with you.
(On my way)

I'm so tired and turned around and scared.
I'm lying in empty beds again.
I'll wait for you to come
to your senses, barbed-wire fences
won't keep me from breaking through.
I swear I will to you.

Now I'm on my way to the other side,
(On my way)
I'll forget everything I left behind.
(On my way)
These empty rooms,
(On my way)
are still filled with you.
(On my way)

I'm so tired and turned around and scared.
I'm lying in empty beds again.
Away from you.

Až doteraz sme boli v poriadku,
ale vzduch, ktorý dýchame sa chystá utiecť.
Texty sme si nacvičovali jasne a nahlas,
ale podnet neprišiel a svetlá ...
Tie tiež nikdy nevyšli.
A tak míňame čas,
zatiaľ čo čas míňa nás.
"Jazdné pruhy na obiehanie" termín, ktorý na nás nikdy nepoužili.
Bez haliera, alebo prosby vo svete
odchádzam preč dverami.
Cieľ ? Hocikde, len nie tu.
Ďaleko od teba.

Práve som na ceste na druhú stranu
(na ceste)
Zabudnem na všetko, čo som nechal za sebou
(na ceste)
Tie prázdne izby ..
(na ceste)
sú stále plné teba.
(na ceste)

Vypadol som z môjho vlastného závodu,
závodu bez cieľovej čiary,
závodu bez prvého, či posledného miesta.
Sledujem tie tváre, všetky čo ma práve míňajú.
Otočil som sa a odchádzam,
pretože teraz konečne vieme,
o čom je tu náš čas.
Nechceme znamenať len ďaľšiu tvár v dave.
Sme les životov,
rastieme vysoko a do šírky.
Nikdy nebudeme zoťatí.


Som tak unavený, otočil som sa a vydesil.
Znova ležím v prázdnej posteli.
Počkám kým prídeš,
počkám na tvoje zmysly - ploty z ostnatého drôtu,
ktoré mi nezabránia, aby som cez ne prerazil.
Prisahám, že budem tvoj!


Som tak unavený, otočil som sa a vydesil.
Znova ležím v prázdnej posteli.
Ďaleko od teba ....

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