Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

I Want It All - Sharpay Evans

SSharpay Evans - Hsm - I Want It All

Ohodnoť toto video:

Imagine having everything we ever dreamed
Don't you want it (Maybe)
Can't you see it (Kinda)
Imagine first audition after college
I get the lead (A part from me)
Well of course (Yeah right)
You gotta believe it (You talkin)
You and I all the fame
(Sharpay and what's his name)
Sound's exciting? (inviting)
Let's do it then (Listening)
Personal stylist, agent and a publicist
But where do I bid into this?
With you we can win (win the part)
Think bigger
Become superstars (That's better)

Don't you see that bigger is better
and better is bigger
A little bit in ever no no no

You want it all!
You want it, you know that you want it
The fame and the fortune and more
You want it all!
You want it, you know that you want it
You gotta have your star on the door
You want the world
Nothing less all the glam and
The press only giving you the best reviews
(Say it!)
I want it all! I want it I want it want it
My name in lights in Carnegie hall
I want it all!

Can't you see it?
They're gonna love me
(Mmm) (I mean us)

Red carpet, rose boquets
Crowds waiting backstage
I'm with her don't stop me
I'm not the paparazzi
Invitations, standing ovations
Magazines, yes please
Gotta be celebrities
Photographs, fan clubs
Give the people what they love
Now you're excited
I like it
let's do it then
time square, jet center, sea quos, hey better
new york today
tomorrow the world

so now choose
think bigger
and the oscar goes to
that's better

I want it all!
I want it, want it, want it
The fame and the fortune and more
I want it all!
I want it, want it, want it
I gotta have my star on the door
I want the world
Nothing less all the glam and
The press only giving me the best reviews
I want it all! I want it want it want it
Radio, CD, Music hall
WE want it all!

Here in the spotlight we shine
Looking who we are
Let broadway know your name
You notice your a star!!!!!


I want it...
I want it...
I want it, want it, want it
The fame and the fortune and more
I want it all!
I want it, want it, want it
I gotta have my star on the door
I want the world
Nothing less all the glam and
The press only giving me the best reviews
I want it all!
Paris, London, Rome, Toronto, LA, Sydney and Buenos Aires
Tokyo, Moscow, Bollywood
We want it all!!!
WE want it all!

Vidíš to?


Budú ma milovať!


Mám na mysli, nás!
Červený koberec, kytice ruží, dav čakajúci v zákulisí

Som s ňou, nezastavujte ma, nie som paparazzi

Pozvánky, ovácie


Áno, prosím

[Sharpay & Ryan]
Budeme celebrity!

Fotografi, fanklub, dáme ľuďom to, čo milujú
Teraz si vzrušený!

Páči sa mi to

Tak to spravme

[Sharpay & Ryan]
Times Square, smotánka, pokračovania
New York dnes, zajtra celý svet!!

Vypredané šou

Rozmýšľaj vo väčšom

A Oscar vyhráva...

To je lepšie!

[Sharpay & Ryan]
Nevidíš že väčší je lepší
A lepší je väčší
Trochu nikdy nestačí
Nie, Nie, Nie!

Chcem to všetko
Chcem to, chcem to, chcem to
Slávu a bohatstvo a viac
Chcem to všetko
Chcem to, chcem to, chcem to
Budem mať svoju hviezdu na dverách
Chcem svet nič menej, všetko lesk a tlač
Aby mi dávali na použitie to najlepšie
Chcem to všetko
Chcem to, chcem to, chcem to, rádio, CD, halu hudby
Chceme to všetko!!

Tu žiarime v svetle reflektora, pozrite sa kto sme

Keď Broadway pozná tvoje meno,

[Sharpay & Ryan]
Vieš, že si hviezda!

Tancuj! Madison Square Garden!

Milujú ťa

Ďakujem, ďakujem vám všetkým

Volá Oprah, znova
Chce vás do šou
Budeme sa musieť k tebe vrátiť!

[Sharpay & Ryan]
Chcem to všetko, Chcem to, chcem to, chcem to
Chcem to všetko, Chcem to, chcem to, chcem to
Chcem to všetko! Chcem to, chcem to, chcem to! (Chcem to všetko)
Slávu a bohatstvo a viac
Chcem to všetko, chcem to, chcem to
Budem mať svoju hviezdu na dverách
Chcem svet nič menej, všetko lesk a tlač
Aby mi dávali na použitie to najlepšie






Buenos Aires!




[Sharpay & Ryan]

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