Story of how people with their greed,
hate and endless bloodshed wake up ancient evil forces.
Hungry wolf will come and devour the sun
The light will fade
Bones will whiten in swamps
Snake will slither out
Just a frozen moon will shine in the skies
Snake will spit venom – and spew curses
Her evil eye sees all!
The black rider will ride
Bringing with him
Werewolves, evil spirits
They will writhe, crawl
Fill up the Earth
They will tear and rip
War, plague, famine
Will be the rider's names
Long awaited, for centuries collected
Curse of the witch
The evil eye sees all, views everything
No one will hide, everyone will be seen
The vicious mouth has said – a poisonous word
In the black book of magic written long ago
Each other's throats
People will gnaw
For goods and gold
More and ever more
Desire will drive them
They become a nation of slaves
Deaf ears
Deaf ears will hear words of lies
Not that long
Soon enough…
Hungry wolf will come and devour the sun
The light will fade
Bones will whiten in swamps
Snake will slither out
Autor: Skyforger