All that work and what did it get me?
Why did I do it?
Scrapbooks full of me in the background.
Give 'em love and what does it get ya?
What does it get you
One quick look as each of 'em leaves you.
All your life and what does it get ya?
Thanks a lot and out with the garbage,
They take bows and you're battin zero
I had a dream
I dreamed it for you, Dad
It wasn't for me, Dad
And if it wasn't for me then where would you be,
Miss Rachel Berry
Well, someone tell me, when is it my turn
Don't I get a dream for myself
Starting now it's gonna be my turn.
Gangway, world, get off of my runway
Starting now I bat a thousand!
This time, boys I'm taking the bows and
Everything's coming up Kurt
Everything's coming up Hummel
Everything's coming up Kurt
This time for me (ha ha ha ha ha)
For me!
For me!
For me!
For me!
Fooooor meeeeeee!
Toľká práca a čo mi priniesla?
Prečo som to robil?
Fotoalbumy, v ktorých som v pozadí.
Dáš im lásku a čo ti to prinesie?
Čo ti to prinesie?
Jeden rýchli pohľad ako ťa všetci opúšťajú.
Celý tvoj život a čo ti to prinieslo?
Ďakujem pekne a som medzi odpadkami.
Oni sa klaňajú a ty klesneš na dno.
Mal som sen.
Sníval som ho pre teba, ocko.
Nebolo to pre mňa, ocko.
A ak to nebolo pre mňa, tak kde by si bola,
slečna Rachel Berry?
Niekto mi povedzte, kedy príde rada na mňa.
Nemôžem už snívať pre seba.
Začínam teraz, prišla na mňa rada.
Chodby, svet, nestojte mi v ceste.
začínam teraz, stavil som tisíc.
Tentokrát, chlapci sa budem klanať ja.
Všetko hrá pre Kurta!
Všetko hrá pre Hummela!
Všetko hrá pre Kurta!
Tentokrát pre mňa!
Pre mňa!