I thought you'd come back at least I prayed (so I prayed)
The romance has been dead (the romance is dead, the romance is dead)
For years (you come back)
But I've been too afraid to dig the grave (so I prayed)
Relief support never came
Memories carry me through the day
Of when we were kids
And angels came to watch us play
Close my eyes, just for tonight
The sun still sleeps, and when she wakes
Close my eyes, just for tonight
The sun still sleeps, and when she wakes
A movie that plays in my mind
Remembering you helps me survive
Every day a re-run of the next
I promised to stay by your side
That all would change, I can't complain
Another victim of the game
Close my eyes, just for tonight
The sun still sleeps, and when she wakes
Close my eyes, just for tonight
The sun still sleeps, and when she wakes
Maybe love will find us again
For there is always tomorrow
Sincerely till the end
Close my eyes just for tonight
The sun still sleeps and when she wakes,
Close my eyes just for tonight
The sun still sleeps and when she wakes
Close my eyes, just for tonight
The sun still sleeps, and when she wakes
Close my eyes, just for tonight
The sun still sleeps, and when she wakes
You'll be a memory (be a memory)
You'll be a memory (be a memory)
You'll be a memory (be a memory)
You'll be a memory, memory, memory, memory.
myslel som si, že sa vrátiš späť
naposledy som si to tak prial (tak strašne prial)
romanci je už roky koniec
(romanci je koniec, romanci je koniec, vrátiš sa spät)
ale nechcel som ti vykopať hrob
upokojenia som sa však nedočkal
spomienky ma sprevádzajú každým dňom
už od čias keď sme boli deti
a anjeli sa prichádzali na nás pozerať ako sa hráme
zavri moje oči
aspoň na dnešnú noc
slnko stále spí
aj keď sa prebudí 2x
film, ktorý sa mi premieta v mysli
spomínať na teba mi pomáha prežiť
každý deň znova dookola utekať
slubujem ti, že zostanem s tebou
všetko by sa však zmenilo
nedokážem to vysvetliť
ďalšia obeť hry
refrén 2x
možno nás láska znovu nájde
vždy žijeme len pre zajtrajšok
úprimne až do konca
refrén 4x
budeš už len spomienka 4x
spomienka! 4x