Somethimes in life when all hope is gone
and you feel like you're on your own.
True friends comes along
and makes you realize,
that everything is ok.
And last you have gone through,
many ups and downs.
But no matter what,
you guys stood by my side.
And that's why I did sing
this song for you: my best friends
And after everything
that we´ve been through
I´m still here with you
Cuz you´re still my lady
cuz you´re my lady
I swear I´m gonna make you happy
for the rest of my live
Cuz you´re my lady
and I´m your best friend
and I´m your best friend (mmmhmhmmm)
Verse 1
In times when all hope is gone
and sadness fills your heart with pain
You wonder (yeah)
If there´s anyone
that you can call
To somebody who´s left all alone
You´re such a loyal friend
and now I know that I´ll never
find sombody quite like you
I appreciate the day
you came and you stayed
And after everything
that we´ve been through
I´m still here with you
Cuz you´re still my lady
cuz you´re my lady
I swear I´m gonna make you happy
for the rest of my live
Cuz you´re my lady
and I´m your best friend
and I´m your best friend
Verse 2
Some people said that
we would never survive,
we showed them that dreams can come true and it´s for sure
Our secret lies behind an endless
friendship and nothing could tear
us apart
You´re such a loyal friend
and now I know that I´ll never
find somebody quite like you
I appreciate the day
you came and stayed
And after everything
that we´ve been through
I´m still here with you
Cuz you´re still my lady
cuz you´re my lady
I swear I´m gonna make you happy
for the rest of my lives
Cuz you´re my lady
and I´m your best friend
and I´m your best friend
True love is so hard to find
Especially if it´s someone
you can call your best friend
No matter what problems occure
You will overcame them with her (with her)
And after everything
that we´ve been through
I´m still here with you
Cuz you´re still my lady
cuz you´re my lady
I swear I´m gonna make you happy
for the rest of my lives
Cuz you´re my lady
and I´m your best friend
and I´m your best friend
byl to jen další den
když všechno vypadalo tak skvěla
nic nemohlo být špatně
bylo to jako nekonečný sen
nikdy se to nezmění
Ale teď si odešel pryč
Zkouším otočit stránku
a není to to samé
Ale nadechuju se
a vydechuju
široce si to uvědomuju
ale neslyším žádný zvuk
Ale nadechuju se
nemůžu o tom myslet
jiný ty, jiná já, jiné vše
odkud jdu
nikdy jsem se necítila tak divně
nikdy jsem se necítila tak skleslá
protože až teď si mi přišel do cesty
naučila jsem se žít stebou
a teď musím žít sama
Vím potřebuju hodně času
abych tohle hodila za hlavu
protože sem stále sklíčená
Ale nadechuju se
a vydechuju
široce si to uvědomuju
ale neslyším žádný zvuk
Ale nadechuju se
nemůžu o tom myslet
jiný ty, jiná já, jiné vše
sedím tu sama
nic se nehýbe, nic se nepohybuje
nic nedělám, chci být zraněná
protože tu nejsi
Ale nadechuju se
a vydechuju
široce si to uvědomuju
ale neslyším žádný zvuk
Ale nadechuju se
a vydechuju
široce si to uvědomuju
ale neslyším žádný zvuk
nadechuju se
nemůžu o tom myslet
jiný ty, jiná já, jiné vše
oooh woah
jiný ty, jiná já, jiné vše
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