I caught sign of one crying man he was sitting on the bench and he was tremblning
"excuse me, sir, why are you crying, sir?
what has happened?
Have you lost your job or wife, sir?
are you crying for love or pain, sir?
is it for your child or car?
- sorry, I know it´s personal..."
I noticed the woman who passed by
I knew her, she used to be fatter but now I saw that she had lost her weight what has happened?
"have you Mrs. any problem or diet?
did you sleep last night well or not yet?
did you meet any handsome man yesterday?
- sorry, I know it´s personal..."
Buying ticket on the train I heard voices
I saw the couple in a quarrel, they were talkig about themselves...
enough about you boy, enough about you girl
what has happened?
"did you fell in love each other or not yet?
what´s the theme of your quarrel? it´s a faithlessness?
will you able to love your characters?
- sorry, i know it´s personal..."
I talk with myself everyday - did you know it?
when I can´t sleep I always count white sheep I used to close myself in a room for a while
what has happened girl ?
"was it because of your mother or father?
did you lost your love or friend again?
are you afraid of night or life?
- that´s enough about me...
you oughta know - it´s personal
you oughta know - it´s personal...
Zachytila som jedného plačúceho muža,
sedel na lavičke a chvel sa,
"prepáčte pane, prečo plačete pane?
čo sa stalo?
prišli ste o prácu alebo manželku pane?
plačete kôly láske alebo zármutku? pane?
je to kôly vašim deťom alebo autu?
-prepáčte,viem,je to osobné..."
Všimla som si ženu, ktorá prešla okolo,
poznala som ju, bývala tlstejšia,
ale teraz som zbadala, že stratila svoju váhu,
čo sa stalo?
"pani máte neaký problém alebo dietu?
spali ste minulú noc dobre alebo už nie?
nestretli ste včera žiadneho príjemného muža?
-prepáčte,viem,je to osobné..."
Kupovala som lístok na vlak, počula som hlasy,
zbadala som hádajúcu sa dvojicu,
rozprávali sa o sebe...
o tebe už stačilo chlapče,dosť už o tebe dievča,
čo sa stalo?
"porazil vás v láske niekto iný, alebo ešte nie?
aká je téma vašej hádky? je to nevera?
budete môcť navzájom milovat vaše charakteri?
-prepáčte,viem,je to osobné..."
Rozprávam sa sama so sebou každý deň-vedel si to?
keď nemôžem spať počítam biele ovečky,
často sa v izbe na chvílu uzatvaram do seba,
čo sa stalo dievča?
"bolo to pre tvoju mamu alebo otca?
znova si prišla o svoju lásku alebo priatela?
bojíš sa noci alebo života?"
-je to dosť o mne,
Mal by si vedieť-je to osobné,
Mal by si vedieť-je to osobné...