When you talk about tomorrow
I'm not sure about today
When you tell me that you love me
What am I supposed to say?
Sometimes I don't feel
The same way as you feel
Words like forever
They scare the shit out of me
Maybe I'm afraid of commitment
Maybe you're too distracted to see that
Sometimes I don't feel
The same way as you feel
I think of all the things I'd say to you if I had the chance again
I think of all the things I'd scream
But I think it's for the best
That you and I just don't connect and
Things are never quite what they seem
Will there ever be
Someone to give her heart to me
Or would I be to blind to see it
I wouldn't make a sound
I'd keep it underground
It always seems like I'm running around around
Running around around
Sometimes I don't feel
The same way as you feel
keď hovoríš o zajtrajšku
mám isté pochybnosti o dnešku
keď mi povieš, že ma miluješ
čo ti mám na to povedať?
niekedy sa necítim tak isto
ako sa cítiš ty
slová ako navždy
ma najviac desia
možno sa bojím záväzku
možno si príliš zmätená na to aby si uvidela, že
niekedy sa necítim tak isto
ako sa cítiš ty
myslím na všetky tie veci, ktoré by som ti povedal keby som znova mal šancu
myslím na všetky tie veci, ktoré by som ti vykričal
ale myslím, že takto je to najlepšie
keď ty a ja nie sme spolu
nikdy to nie je také aké sa to zdá byť
nájdem niekedy niekoho
kto by mi daroval svoje srdce
alebo budem príliš slepý na to, aby som si to všimol
nevydám zo seba ani hlások
nechám si to pre seba
vždy sa mi zdá akoby som bežal stále dookola, dookola
bežal stále dookola
niekedy sa necítim tak isto
ako sa cítiš ty
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